Professional Courses

There are 6 Ayurvedic Treatment courses available at the Institute of Ayurveda & Wellness:
New classes start in February!
New classes start in February!
The Ayurvedic massage therapy called Abhyanga is developed to balance, increase flow and relieve stress.
Marma Therapy
Ayurveda speaks of 72,000 Marma points in the body. This course will teach you how to release pain and stagnant energy all over the body
Head Massage
Head Massage is an essential part of relaxation and helping individuals truly let go.
Panchakarma Therapy
Information on Panchakarma therapy is found under the Panchakarma section. Click here to read more
Calming the nervous system can be achieved through a gentle Ayurvedic oil treatment called Shirodhara.
Like all Ayurvedic treatments, the facials are tailored to the needs of the client.
All courses have required readings, homework and successful completion of practical and theory exams.
All courses are given in English and all course material are in English at this time.
Attendance of over 85% is required for all courses. In the case of absences, it is at the teacher’s discretion whether the missed classes have to be re-taken.
Courteous and respectful behavior, attitude and speech is required at all times. The establishing of a proper meditative environment is a essential component to all Ayurvedic treatments and must be achieved by students.
Medical-style uniforms are suggested, allowing for flexibility and motion.
Abhyanga, Ayurvedic Massage Therapy
450 hours
Start date: February 2025
Prerequisite: Completed high school, 18+
Model: Part-time
Duration: 8 months course
Abhyanga Ayurvedic Massage Therapy is an oil-based massage practice that is based on the Ayurvedic principles of balancing the affected doshas (constitutions). Students learn anatomy and physiology, the basics of Ayurveda and the marma points of Ayurveda.
Abhyanga is the Ayurvedic massage therapy that was developed in order to best assist with Ayurvedic suggested plans.
The course is a great addition to the services of current massage therapists who want to expand their offering as well as to aspiring massage therapists who wish to specialize in Abhyanga. The course includes theory and practice.
Aspiring Abhyanga therapists are trained in basic Ayurvedic principles as well as thorough theory and practice of the massage sequences. Basic Ayurvedic questionnaire development is part of the program.
Indian Head Massage
Start date: February 2025
Prerequisite: Completed high school, 18+
Indian Head Massage is an important part of of a relaxing massage experience that can be combined with Abhyanga, Ayurvedic facial, Shirodhara treatment or on its own.
The course of Indian Head Massage includes the basics of the theory of Ayurveda and marma points, as well as extensive theory and practice of the art.
Students are introduced to making tailored oil blends.
Basic Ayurvedic questionnaire development is part of the program.
Shirodhara Treatment
Start date: September 2024
Prerequisite: Completed high school, 18+
Shirodhara treatments are an exclusive part of the Ayurvedic practice that aims to improve and soothe the nervous system.
The course places an important focus on Ayurvedic anatomy and physiology and marma points.
Basic Ayurvedic questionnaire development is part of the program.
Ayurvedic Facials
100 hours
Start date: September 2024
Prerequisite: Completed high school, 18+
Ayurvedic Facials are a natural and meditative set of facial treatments that aim to care for the health of the skin of the face, neck and ears.
These facial treatments can be used on their own or combined to other Ayurvedic therapies.
This course contains a complete study of the face and head from an Ayurvedic perspective, as well as a thorough study and development of natural products.
Basic Ayurvedic questionnaire development is part of the program.
Marma Therapy
200 hours
Prerequisite: Completed high school, 18+
An important aspect of he Ayurvedic system of anatomy is the marma system. These points are an essential study in preparation for a truly profound Abhyanga massage.
Marma therapists and Abhyanga therpists may be one in the same as well as be separate. Adding Marma therapy to an existing practice of Abhyanga creates a complete Ayurvedic experience.
Marma therapy should only be done after the suggestion of an Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner.

Make a difference with every touch.
Learning about the roots of Ayurveda, the local applications and deepening our ways to bring wellness to our clients.
After we learn about Ayurveda and the practice, we need to continue our observations and delving into the practice.
Practice the techniques on ourselves to best help our clients.
By sharing our knowledge and skills with our clients, we are bringing wellness through ourselves.
The Institute of Ayurveda & Wellness prizes a harmonious and open study environment to enhance learning and growing through Ayurveda and Yoga. Each student is interviewed by the Institute and invited to an introduction meeting with other aspiring students.
The course requirements such as the pre-course required reading are essential to participating in the class.
All professional courses include an internship.