Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner Studies

Becoming an Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner
New courses starting September 2024
New courses starting September 2024
All courses have required readings, homework and successful completion of practical and theory exams.
All courses are given in English and all course material are in English at this time.
Attendance of over 85% is required for all courses. In the case of absences, it is at the teacher’s discretion whether the missed classes have to be re-taken.
Courteous and respectful behavior, attitude and speech is required at all times.
The Ayurvedic wellness system is a complete way of living that dates back over 5,000 years with its roots in India which focuses on living balanced lives on three facets: body, mind and soul. Ayurveda is celebrated the world over and growing in popularity in North America since the 1950’s.
The word Ayurveda translates as the science of living. In learning the practice of Ayurveda, individuals enhance their lives with living in line with their unique harmony. This sister practice to Yoga makes this a harmonious, stimulating, and a complete practice to making this a great life.
In this course lead by Anita Sharma, Vaidya from Vedic studies in India and fourth generation practitioner, students are taught to treat themselves before they can treat others on three facets; body, mind and soul. The classes are given in small and intimate groups where students are encouraged to learn and grow. The course is thought as Gurukul practice where student and teacher have direct connection.
The course is recognized by the NAN Quebec.
Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner (Levels 1 & 2)
1,000 hours total - $5000 each level
Course length: 2 years
Prerequisite: Completed high school, 18+
Start date: September 2024
Level 1 and 2 of the Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner program introduces students to the principles of Ayurveda, the eight limbs of yoga, each of the Ayurvedic systems of symptoms, the different modalities used in the practice, an introduction to anatomy and physiology, nutrition and much more.
Students learn the basics of breathing, yoga and meditation.
Level 1 is complete for students learning for themselves and family, while those learning for professional goals must complete Level 2.
Students are required to begin the course having read the suggested reading outlined in the registration package.
Level 1 starts with the history and principles of Ayurveda as well as its relation to the practice of Yoga in its 8 limbs. Students are then introduced to the elements and doshas. This is the foundation of Ayurveda as well as the entirety of the Level 1 course. The successful completion of Level 1 is required to access Level 2.
Required reading list before and throughout the program
Weekly homework assignments
Exams done at each part of the course
During the second level of study, students are encouraged to increase their observation of individuals in their surroundings and inquire about their history to build their observational skills and understanding of the connections between current wellness and history. During this level, students deepen their knowledge from Level 1 with 50 real case studies per student. Future Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioners are coached through the creation and perfecting of their quizzes and questionnaires through the process of preparing for case-study clients.
The proper treatment of clients is essential through this process including all communication, Ayurvedic assessment, suggested plan and follow-up. The maintenance of proper professional relationships is essential. In addition to the human component of the course, the appropriate collection of information to build the case study for the student as well as to present to the class is required.
An Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner is an active and valuable member of an individual’s wellness team. As such, we address a ‘whole-istic’ approach to the conditions a person is living with as well as towards their complete lifestyle.
The LEVEL 2 program brings students from an approach based primarily on nutrition and lifestyle to a deeper and more detailed approach. The program is conducted as a case study-driven class. Students are required to have weekly case studies that are brought forward in class with complete confidentiality of the participants. This allows the theory in class to be overlaid on real-life situations which are faced by Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioners.
The course is recognized by the NAN Quebec.
Course outline
• Introduction to Ayurveda & history
• Main principles of Ayurveda
• Anatomy & physiology
• Spirituality & energy
• Dis-ease process
• Knowledge of assessment tools
• Doshas, sub-doshas, dhatus and srotas
• Gunas
• Psychology
• Nutrition
• Daily & seasonal routine
• Knowledge of main herbs and spices
• Chakra energy
• 8 limbs of Yoga
• Breathing and meditation
• Mudras
• Mantras
• Introduction to Vastu and Vedic astrology
• Introduction to Ayurvedic cooking
• Introduction to therapies
• Oil preparations
• Ayurvedic techniques
• Ethics
The second level picks up at the end of Level 1 and expects that students are fully knowledgeable and proficient in all material addressed in Level 1. Each of the aspects taught in Level 1 returns to this level in a deeper exploration to address specific conditions.
• Practice of assessment tools
• Srotas
• Dhatus
• Treatment approaches
• Ayurvedic psychology
• Preparation of main herbs and spices
• Oil preparations
• Internship
This course outline contains some of the parts taught in the program. Course programs can be altered without prior notice.
Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner (Level 3)
500 hours - 6 months course
Starting: September 2024
Prerequisite: Completed Levels 1 & 2
Level 3 is a required level welcoming students who wish to delve deeper into Ayurvedic principles and into the pathology, ayurvedic nutrition and biochemistry of food.
These classes are challenging and require extensive out-of-class work.
This class is applicable towards the advancement hours with the professional association for one year’s updating.
Applicable towards certification: Yes
Cost: disclosed at the time of interview due to changing pricing (does not include airfare or lodging fees)
The third portion of the Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner program brings students deep into pathology and how to prevent it. It also teaches how Ayurvedic Nutrition and Biochemistry of food works on our body, mind and soul.
Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner - Continuing Education
15 hours
Prerequisite: Completed Level 2
Applicable towards credits: Yes
Certification: Added hours - not certification
The advancement program is made to offer graduated students an opportunity to stay fresh and add new material to their profile.
There are several Advancement program sessions a year.
The successful completion of Continuing Education sessions is required to put towards accreditation.
Seasonal courses will be offered to enrich Level 1, 2 and 3 students in related subjects.
The Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner Advancement Program is available to all certified practitioners from Level 1, 2 and 3. Through this program, practitioners may select advancement courses to add to their practice.
This course does not add a new certification, but hours to add to one’s current certification.
The Institute of Ayurveda & Wellness prizes a harmonious and open study environment to enhance learning and growing through Ayurveda and Yoga. Each student is interviewed by the Institute and invited to an introduction meeting with other aspiring students.
The course requirements such as the pre-course required reading are essential to participating in the class.
All professional courses include an internship.